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That is how I feel right now. As noted on my sidebar I completely burnt my hand yesterday with some cooking oil. Yesterday I was fixing lunch and decided to make a couple of cheese sticks. They were cooking and looking yummy as ever. As they finished I began to get them out of the oil with tongs. I grabbed the first one and then decided "what the heck, I'll grab the last two out together". That was a HUGE mistake. I picked them up and of course they slipped out of the grasp of the tongs and fell back into the still HOT oil. And it splashed up onto my right hand. I am very impressed that I didn't start swearing like a sailor at that point. My hand instantly turned red but didn't hurt right away. Logan & I ate our lunch and went downstairs. And that is when the throbbing began. Oh my goodness did it hurt! I grabbed a bag of frozen peas and that seemed to help for a while. Then I switched to some ice water - that really helped but I was worried I would get frostbite. I put some aloe vera on it and also some neosporin and continued to soak it off & on for about another 3 hours. After that point it finally stopped throbbing.
I finally took the time to update my blogrolls on the left side of the screen. Check them out when you get a chance. If I've forgotten you please let me know!
I had my 17 week check-up today. Even though I'm only 17 weeks along I cannot believe that I'm already 17 weeks along. Make any sense?
Labels: Baby
Last night we went to Logan's "work". I'm not sure if I've ever blogged about his "work". It is actually one of the mall's in town. They have a play area for little kids that Logan just loves. We try to take him up there at least once a week. I'm sure once summer rolls around though we'll start heading to the park instead. He LOVES going up there. Last night was one of the best times he's had while "working" I think. He was so well behaved and there were only 4 other kids in the play area. (We've noticed if there are too many kids he seems to turn off his ears and does not share as well.) He really hit it off with a little girl last night - she must have been about 4 years old. They were having a great time chasing each other and pretending. She would act like she was a monster and chase Logan or they would pretend to scoop ice up to make the waterfall work again. It was just a great time watching them play together. Before we knew it it was 9 and the mall was shutting down. Logan was practically sweating by the time we left he had run around so much. As we were leaving the mall we asked if he had fun. His reply, "Work was VERY fun!"
Tomorrow afternoon Mike & I are heading to Minneapolis for the weekend. I am so in need of a nice little vacation! We're going down to visit Taylor - hopefully the weather is better than the last time we visited. As I had said earlier we're staying at the same hotel. I'm hoping to go to the Mall of America on Saturday (I haven't been there for over 10 years!) and hit IKEA. Of course on the way home we'll be making a stop at Trader Joe's.
Now that Logan is flat-out refusing to use the potty this is what you hear/see at our house at least two times a day:
We spot Logan walking behind the couch, to the corner, or another location that is more "private". He begins to get a determined look on his face.
"Logan? Are you pooping?"
"Ummm, I'm just busy Mommy. Don't change my poopy."
"If you're pooping let's go up and use the potty."
"No, I'm not done yet."
"Well then let's go up to the bathroom!"
"Don't change my poopy Mommy!!" *he then puts his hand out in front of him like a running back to show he means business*
Yup, this is my life. There is a lot of potty talk going on around here right now. So exciting.