One Week
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First tractor ride with Great Uncle Ernie
First time jumping on a trampoline
I think Logan could have jumped on the trampoline all day long. He had such a blast, especially when Hunter was jumping on it with him. Katie's (my cousin who graduated) party was a lot of fun. We had excellent food and the cake was really original! Their class colors were camouflage and hunter orange. The cake was designed by my Aunt Raylene, Katie and Taylor. I think they did a great job!And here we all are with the graduation girl: Mike, Katie, me (looking very pregnant) and Logan
We'll be gone this weekend for a couple of days. We'll be going to the eastern part of the state for my cousin's high school graduation.
I made my first batch of salsa while Logan was napping. I haven't tried it yet but Mike did - he said it has alot of tomato flavor. I did use canned tomatoes this time (I've always used fresh) so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the flavor. Does anyone have any tips?
Tomorrow I have my next doctor's appointment. This is the one that makes me the most nervous. I have to have the gestational diabetes test. And since diabetes runs in my family (both sides) it is nerve wracking until I hear what the results are.
*Mike said once the salsa cooled down the seasonings were more prominent.
I'm horrible - it's been a week since I last posted. I do have my reasons though!
Why is it, without fail, that as soon as I step in the shower and get shampoo in my hair that Logan comes barging in yelling that he has to pee?? Every.single.morning! And it does not make one iota of difference if the little munchkin was just in the bathroom "making bubbles in the potty".
My Mom and I hit our first garage sale this past weekend and it did not disappoint! It was perfect timing too since I had just found out we were having a boy on Friday. I still have quite a few clothes that I kept from when Logan was born but the baby can't wear all the same clothes right?? The garage sale we went to was a 6 party one and boy could you tell. They had a TON of clothes to pick through. I was hoping to find some pants for Logan, but ended up just finding one pair. I did find him some shirts though too. We hit the jackpot though when it came to baby clothes. We found so many onesies for only a quarter and since they were sized 0-3 mos. they looked almost brand new. I even managed to find a couple of shirts that still had the tags on them. I think we spent a total of $15 and came home with two grocery bags full of clothes!!