A Success!!
The garage sale was quite a bit of work but it was worth it. We sold about half of the stuff we had for sale so I think it was worth it. I had made two pans of rice krispies and one pan of scotcheroos and all but three rice krispie bars sold. I highly recommend that if you have a garage sale to have some goodies baked and sell some pop! I think I made over $20 with those items alone!
We got rid of most of our bigger items too - including a bookcase, Logan's tool workbench, a printer and some huge stuffed animals that have been sitting in garbage bags for the past 5 years!!
I had to work on Sunday but while Logan was napping Mike tackled the basement. You can actually see the floor down there now! I should have taken a before picture but I was too embarrassed :) My goal is to continue getting things cleaned up down there and condense it enough so that it can fit in the storage closet down there. I especially want to get Logan's toys in there so that he's unable to drag them all over every time we go down there to do laundry!
im so pleased for you guys and Logan
Congrats on your yard sale haul! I'm sure Logan and baby brother will enjoy the play set.
I have never been good at garage sales. I hate having people paw through my things, and never manaqe to make any money at it - the hourly return for all the my prep time and actually working the sale ends up to be very little.
I'm glad someone's good at it. :P
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