Our Weekend
On Friday Logan went to daycare for the second time. He seems to be adjusting to it and didn't cry for as long this time. Teresa said he played with the kids more and actually ate lunch this time. Friday afternoon Logan had the pleasure of going to the doctor for his 2 year check up (only 2 months late J). He received 2 shots (the last Hepatitis one and his flu shot) – he was not happy about those! But I came to the rescue and had a sucker waiting for him. By the time he was dressed he had stopped crying. This appointment was with a new doctor since the last one we went to spent less than 5 minutes in the room with us. I figured we would continue seeing a new one until we found one that we liked. She was great! She colored with Logan and talked to him and let him look at her stethoscope. He is 70% in height (3 ft. tall!) and 80% in weight (32.7 pounds). She said we can switch him to 2% milk now. I had to laugh at some of the questions she asked to see if he was on track for his age. One of them was – does he have at least a 30 word vocabulary. Um yeah, probably closer to 100! And I think she saw that just by interacting with him. She couldn't believe that he knew so many colors (she had an easel in the room so that he could color) or that he could almost talk in complete sentences. We were pretty proud of our boy as we left the clinic J. And to quote her, "He's going to be a tough one to follow".
As we were leaving the clinic I noticed they were doing flu shots on Saturday. I figured since Logan had just received his Mike & I might as well get ours. Saturday morning I woke up with a sore throat but we still managed to go and get our shots. Once we got Logan down for a nap we also continued our painting of the house. We painted one of the stairways/hallway going down to the basement (just white for now) and finished painting Logan's future room. We painted over the castle that my Aunt had done. I wasn't happy with how the sky had turned out (I had painted that part) so I decided to start over completely. I bought a book at the bookstore where I work that has some castles and scenery pictures in it. I'm hoping to paint one of those on the wall. We'll see if that turns out or if I'll be painting over that too.
Today we're finished up the painting in Logan's room and will also be painting in our room. I found some paint on clearance at Wal-Mart (the color was wrong for another customer) so I picked it up. It should be enough to paint one wall in our room. We're going to paint the wall that the bed goes against. The color is called arctic blue. I hope it looks nice! Once that's done I'll be able to hang up some stuff on the walls in there.
hope you get better soon
OOOOOOH, I can't wait to see pictures!
Logan's two, Logan's two! Okay, so he's been two for a little while, but it's OFFICIAL now that he's had his doctor's appointment. :D He really did well! He's a smart little kid!! But of course you know that! :D
I love Halloween, too, but I like the costumes, rather than decorating the house. My only house decoration is the fiberoptic jack-o-lantern. Sad, huh? The after-Halloween sales are the perfect time to pick up lots of dress-up stuff for Logan. My boys used to have a chest of random costume parts, and they'd have a ball.
Your pumpkin patches sure do close early there. Though I'm surprised they even have them at all, since I'd never heard of a pumpkin patch while growing up next door in Minnesota. Washington is the first place I realized you could get fruits and veggies somewhere other than the store. I don't think I had a very holiday- or family-centric childhood. Fortunately, my boys do, so maybe they'll pass our traditions on to their children.
Logan sure is getting big, and its nice to hear his appointment went so well. Good idea with the flu shots for you and Mike. I was sick a few weeks ago with a stomach thing, and was sure I was dying and that it was the flu causing it. I went to speak with our pharmacist, and he said the flu lasts for about TWO WEEKS. Can you imagine two weks of barfing and fever and chills and achiness??? Anyhow, the long duration of the symptoms is what kills people (especially the elderly) - they get too worn out from the onslaught of symptoms, and just can't regain their strength. Horrible, huh? Anyway, hubby and Steven and I all got vaccines out of paranoia.
Incidentally, I visited our local bookstore last week, and fell in love with one of the employees. It was 10 minutes 'til 9pm, so the store was deserted. He hung out with me and made all kinds of recommendations for books I'd love. I told him I'll be back to see him a lot, and even offered to carry his bibliophile children. Ok, not really, but he was awesome. I ended up walking out with The Golden Compass (want to see what the hype is about), and Steven got The Looking Glass Wars for his friend who is a girl. I LOVE books. Hmmm, maybe I should follow in your footsteps and get a job there, but JUST for the discounts. :)
Hope you're all doing well. Take care, and have a great week!
P.S. Yea, I can comment non-anonymously!
P.P.S. Sorry for the novella
I'm still a no-flu-shot person. I don't know if I'm still a skeptic or what. I've had that really bad version of the flu even, the kind that lays you out for 2 weeks. Maybe I'll succumb this yr to getting one. I don't know...
Glad you are getting some decorating done. That always takes a long time to finish after a move! We're trying to get our livingrm carpet replaced. It's TOTALLY trashed from 9 years of children eating/drinking/stomping/gluing/vomiting/peeing/etc.!
Wow, sounds like Logan is absolutely thriving. Have you been slipping miracle-gro in his milk?
I've taken flu shot a few years, and my completely unscientific perspective is that I don't get sick quite as often those years.
Good for you on your decorating! Maybe I will do some painting in December after I finish noveling - I have lots of interior painting to catch up on. I have a fairly dark blue wall behind my bed - color is called seven seas - with a faded plaid quilt on my bed in front of it. I like it, it's restful. I hope you like yours!
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