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Tuesday, August 19

First (or Second) Pick

I picked this out of the garden on Friday night. It is the second cucumber out of my garden so far this year and it is over 14" long. I think I planted some sort of super-sized cucumbers! My garden has not been the best this year. I seemed to have planted some sort of vine thing (my Grandma thinks it might be creeping Jenny) that tried to choke everything before they were able to get established. Luckily, I was able to save most of my tomato and cucumber plants. Unfortunately, my peppers and onions weren't so lucky. I haven't decided if I'm going to plant a garden next year or try to rid it first of the unwanted growth that surfaced this year.



Blogger Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

wtg what a Long cucumber
yum yum

8/20/2008 2:35 AM  

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