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Sunday, August 17

Baby's Room

The room is almost done. My Aunt sewed the curtains (they look great!) (the picture below is a close up to show the pirate ship/treasure map print - they came out very blurry) and Mike & I finished painting the walls. They also look really good but I am NEVER painting stripes on walls again. OMG it took so much prep and all of those kudos go to Mike for taping off the two walls that we did the striping on.
I found the two cute pirate prints on eBay. They are so cute and I can't believe how well they match the walls. The two prints by the crib are ones that my Mom bought at Hobby Lobby. They are nusery rhyme prints - one is Jack & Jill and the other is Hey Diddle Diddle. They are absolutely perfect for a baby's room!
The one item that isn't in the room yet - the pirate ship. Yep, you read that right. Mike is building a pirate ship for the baby that will serve as a bookcase/changing table. He started on it this past weekend when Logan & I went up to the lake. It is almost complete construction wise but then comes the really hard part. We have to figure out how to paint it so that it will look like a true pirate ship. I think Mike did a great job and I can't believe how he was able to come up with this!

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Blogger Michelle said...

oh my goodness your husband is so creative and talented -can't wait to see the finished product!

8/18/2008 10:21 PM  
Blogger Austin Stevenson Owens said...

I LOVE IT!!! The stripes are totally worth it! I'm with Michelle--I can't wait to see the pirate ship when it's done. Kudos to Mike!

8/19/2008 12:37 AM  
Blogger The Beast Mom said...

That's cool! What a handy guy you have. :) I also like the stripes. I know they were a pain, but you did a great job. Stripes are hard to get right.

Hope you are feeling well and hanging in. I won't ask The Question. :)


8/20/2008 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. The stripes look great and the pirate ship/bookshelf is SO COOL !!!

8/21/2008 7:50 AM  

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