One More Day
On Sunday we went to another handful of open houses but nothing really jumped out at us. Yesterday my Dad & I went and looked at another house (Mike wasn't feeling well so he didn't come with), and as soon as we stepped through the door it was as though we had gone back to the 70's. Big mural on the living room wall, dark paneling, orange counter tops, and gaudy light fixtures. The house was HUGE though - over 3500 square feet! But it only had 2 bedrooms so as soon as I found that out it was out of the question to even consider it. I'm hoping to call on another house today so that we can take a look at it tonight.
In Logan news - he is becoming very aware of his "plumbing". He tells me after he has pooped (how do I get him to tell me before?) and loves to pee in the tub. Last week I bought him a potty chair and he loves to sit on it. The only problem - he will only sit on it with his clothes on. He refuses to with just a diaper and it's out of the question if he's completely naked. Anyone have some advice as to the next step?? It would be great if he were potty trained by summer!
No advice. We're currently enduring it with Haddie. However after months of potty talk, she went on her own last night and then twice this morning. What I'm learning is when they're ready, they're ready. Encourage but don't push.
Praying for safe travels
Love the photo of Logan
CUTE picture of Logan!!!
Potty training. Scooter's toying with the idea of training... we bought a little potty a little while ago, and he likes the big potty better--of course he does! :) He won't tell us if he has to potty #1 or #2, so we're stuck waiting for him to be stinky... lol But now at least he'll confirm a poopy diaper by singing, "Pee-yew, pee-yew, pee-yew!" I'm with Amber--encourage, but don't push. That's what I'm doing. If I go potty, I encourage him to go. If he says no, I say, "Okay," and let it be. :)
Hi Tanya,
I wish that I had some good advice for you, but alas, I don't. A isn't trained at his age, but then again with his condition that is to be expected. Hey have a great trip, have a blast, eat good food and make wonderful memories!
YES! Our boys are on the same page!! Insane. Jack will not sit on the potty with out his clothes either! I've decided that I'm not going to really push the potty training issue, we'll just see how it goes. I just don't think Jack's ready to grasp the whole concept yet, but maybe I'm wrong?
Yeah, snow sucks. We're supposedly supposed to be dealing with it here in Mpls too. But I haven't seen any yet. I think I'm denial... like maybe it really isn't going to snow a ton and the weather people are just trying to get everyone all worried :)
I hope you make it out safely, I've sort of rambled on here. Have a great trip!
Oh, was there SHAG carpet in that 70's house? That would have went perfect with the orange countertops!
I think that is awesome that he is telling you and showing interest!! We've been asking our little guy like every two hours - and 90% of the time he will go. We make 'deals' with you can play with your cars after you sit on the potty, deal? (most times he'll say 'deal' back). But I agree with the other comments - dont' push - he'll tell YOU when he's ready :)
Sorry it has taken me so long to get around to everyone's blog! I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Unfortunately I don't have any potty training advice. I have asked a few times, but no one else seems to have any either. Charis seemed interested at one point so we got the chair. For a week or two we got her to go on it occassionally, but then she started waiting until we put her diaper back on before going. We could sit there on the potty for 30 minutes with nothing....then she would go when we got her dressed again. *sigh*
Have a good trip!
~Crystal M.
I gave Marissa a couple weeks when I told her that I was not buying any more diapers. I said that after this pack was gone, that was it. She could do her business in her pants or on the toilet. She choose the toilet
Just checking to see if you made it back alright. It was nice to see you guys again! I'll look fwd to catching you in July :)
HI.. Haven't been here since you moved back to ND. Glad to see that things are moving along well for you. Well, times have changed a lot since my kids were little, but I used to put them on the potty after each meal and eventually, that worked.. Now, my little grandson told his folks, "I need privacy!!" and so it goes... I am sure Logan will soon be doing it all on his own..
Glad you got to go back to Seattle... Have a great week...
I hope you have a good trip to Seattle. How exciting that they chose Mike to be a speaker. Good deals on tickets, too!
As far as potty training advice... I fear that the only advice I can give is PATIENCE!! And go over the top when he does do it in the toilet (Remember in "Look Who's Talking?") -- Pee-pee in the pott-ay! -- LMAO! I potty trained two girls, so I don't know if it's any different than boys.
Good luck! Remember PATIENCE!! Have a wonderful night!
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