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Thursday, December 22

Baking, Baking, and more Baking

It is now Day 3 of the baking marathon. I'm not sure if there is an end in sight - have you ever started something thinking it will be a blast and when you're halfway done you want to just give up but you don't cuz then you wouldn't have all the stuff you wanted?? That's how I'm feeling right now. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. I'm still having a fun time, I just forgot how long it takes to make caramels from scratch. I think the damn candy thermometer has been stuck at 200 degrees for about 1 1/2 hours and it needs to reach 240. But the end result is definitely worth it!! I somehow managed to overflow the pot the caramels are cooking in so it made a nice sticky, stinky mess on the stove and filled the entire house with a lovely burning smell. Here I thought I would get a head start and get the caramels out of the way before Taylor got home from school, but here I am still making them and Taylor is now home and napping on the couch. Oh, well.
Today Mike & I took Logan up to Taylor's high school so he could show off his little nephew. All the ladies at the h.s. office just loved him! (who wouldn't though when you get a nice toothless smile) When we were done there I dropped Mike & Logan off at where Miike's mom works so she could see him some more today. When I finished running my errands I came back to get Mike so we could go to lunch and Matthew was there. Matt is Mike's youngest brother who is on Christmas break from the military. We haven't seen him in two years so it was a nice little surprise. We went out to eat, then came back and got Logan from visiting Grandma Charlene, and went back to my mom & dad's so Logan could get his nap in. That about wraps up our day so far. I'm sure more baking adventures are to come. As I finish this up the candy thermometer now seems to be stuck at 225, only 15 degrees to go!! YAY!!!!!


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