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Sunday, August 31

Noah's Birth Story (Part 3)

You can read Part 1 HERE.

You can read Part 2 HERE.

So when we last left off the mean, mean anesthesiologist had the nerve to leave me before giving me my well deserved epidural. He did return about 15 minutes later and proceeded to give me the drugs. This time around the epidural seemed to hurt a bit more than the last time. I could feel some "pinching" going on as he was getting it in. But once it was in it felt SO good. There was instant relief! (When I got my epidural with Logan there was no instant relief. And now that I've had another one I am thoroughly convinced that it wasn't done correctly the first time around.) My legs instantly began to feel tingly and from this point on when the nurses checked to see if I was dilated anymore they had to move my legs for me because I could not really feel them. I also now had to really concentrate to feel when a contraction hit. They did not cause any pain which was a nice change. At this point I was able to get some sleep and it felt so good.

I'm pretty sure I slept off and on for the next couple of hours. Everything up until when the pitocin started is a quite a blur. I remember the doctor coming in and talking to me a little bit. But the next thing I know they are talking about giving me some pitocin to get me to 10 cm (at this point I was at around 8 cm). I had been given pitocin when I had Logan but this time it was MUCH different. I think because this time around it was given just right at the end and not gradually it was a bit more painful. And by a bit I mean ALOT. I began having one contraction after the other without much of a break. And they were hurting again.

At this point the nurse checked and said that when I had the need to push to go ahead and do it. I held out for about 2 contractions and then told them I needed to push. Once I began to push I could not stop. One of the nurses told me to just push a little but there was no way I could just push a little.

I guess this is when one of the nurses went out to get the doctor. By the time he came in I pushed one more time and Noah came out. I pushed a total of THREE times and he was born. I had been in labor for a long time but when it came to the pushing part I don't think anyone expected it to go that quickly. I could not believe how tiny but yet how big he was at the same time.

I hope you enjoyed Noah's story.

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Blogger The Beast Mom said...

Every birth is different, isn't it? I think that's cool that your story this time was a different experience.

Yea for VERY SMALL AMT OF PUSHING. Who needs hours of that?! :)


9/06/2008 11:24 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I enjoyed the story! I like reading birth stories :) I can't believe the anesthesiologist just left you like that! Seems like he could have just given you the epidural and then answered the page! and only 3 pushes - wow!

I STILL need to write up Lucas's birth story and he's 6.5 months!

9/08/2008 11:41 PM  

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