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Saturday, September 3

New car, more visitors, starting a new session

Busy, Busy, Busy!!! Well we got a new car on Tuesday. We bought a 2005 Ford Focus ZX4. So far it seems to be a nice little car. Hopefully it won't hurt our pocketbooks as much when we fill that compared to the Explorer. Mike's driven it every day since we bought it, I think he likes it. Or maybe tolerates it, I mean it's not the Mustang - hahahaha.
Grandpa arrived here on Wednesday and is staying until Sunday. We've had a nice visit with him. He went golfing one day and yesterday we went and met Darrell for dinner. Grandpa bought Logan a Cradle Swing, Logan loves it!! He sits in there and just swings away. I think it will be a lifesaver for me, I might be able to get some stuff done around the house while he's awake!
Mike started a new session at school this week. We were hoping his Saturday class would only go until noon but it looks like it's going to go until 5. Oh well, not much we can do about it.


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