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Wednesday, December 10

Kmart Update

My grand total for the items that I purchased at Kmart last week cost me a grand total of $40.77!! I could not believe how much I saved (and that doesn't factor in that almost everything I bought was already on sale). I saved a total of $42.29. That makes me a very happy shopper!



Blogger Austin Stevenson Owens said...

That little Noah baby is ADORABLE! Those smiles melt my heart!!

I can't imagine the apprehension you must feel having your BABY going into surgery. I wrote it into my calendar (can't forget anyway--that's the day my SIL/BIL are flying in from Las Vegas), and I'll be thinking about you guys, praying that everything will go well for you. I can't help putting a lot of hope into having this help with his hearing problems!!!!!

I don't think I've ever told you this.. probably not! But when we did our original list of places to consider when it was time to move from Atlanta, we actually put down North Dakota. All because that's where you are. We figured we might as well be diverse in trying to figure what path we should take, and picked about 8 cities... we wouldn't have picked that area though, if you weren't there. :)

12/10/2008 10:30 PM  

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