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Wednesday, December 3


So I mentioned in my previous post some of the great deals I got at Kmart on Black Friday. I got some even better deals on Sunday while I was there. Kmart is doubling all manufactured coupons this week that have a value of up to $2! This is great since in my town none of our stores EVER double coupons. I looked at their ad and didn't really see too much in there but I knew I had a ton of coupons that were expiring today so I had to go there. I dug through my coupons and grabbed all of the ones that were valued at $1 or more. I took over 30 coupons with me and I was determined to use all or most of them. Here is what I purchased:

Anyone want to guess what I paid for all of this? Here is a breakdown of what I bought if you're interested (listed price will be after some items).

-3 rolls Reynold's aluminum foil ($2.99 each)

-8 bottles shampoo and conditioner

-4 bottles Gillette body wash ($3.99 each)

-2 Glade scented oil candles ($5.99 each)

-2 containers of Pampers wipes

-1 container of Pampers clean 'n go wipes

-2 bottle of NyQuil ($5.99 each)

-6 rolls of tape

-3 packages of DeMet's Turtles

If you add up just the items that I listed the prices by the total comes to $48.89 before tax. That should give you a rough estimate of what I should have paid. But now I want you to guess what I actually paid. I'll post my OOP expense sometime next week. Good luck!!



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