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Saturday, January 10

The Aftermath

Christmas is over and the house is almost back to normal. I'm so glad I put away almost all of Logan's toys before the holidays because the boys were absolutely spoiled!! They got some really fun stuff and Logan loves his new electric train that he got from Santa. Noah got so many new clothes - I don't think he'll have to worry about wearing the same outfit twice (especially since I still have a lot of Logan's clothes). All the boys (including Mike) got new Red Sox shirts so they've been showing off their favorite team proudly.

As for me, I got spoiled too :) I got the new can opener that I've been asking for, along with a mini food processor. That will come in so handy when I make salsa! I also got a beautiful jewelry armoire from my Mom & Dad. I'll take a picture of it as soon as we pick it up (it's sitting in their basement). Mike bought me a digital photo frame - I can't wait to put it above the fireplace! Mike & I also got enough money to finally get a remote car starter! I'm sure once we get it installed the weather will turn nice but it will sure come in handy for years to come!

I still have goodies out in the freezer. I've been taking them to work every once in awhile - I'm trying to help them break their New Year's resolutions *laughing*



Blogger Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Id like a food processor one day :)

you were blessed :)

arent those digital photo frames cool

enjoy 2009

1/10/2009 1:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

VERY cool about the mini food processor. I have been wanting one for ages. My big one is such a pain to bring out that I rarely do!

1/11/2009 9:13 PM  

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